My Profile was not approved
Blocking Users
Cannot Login / Missing Profile
Change Password or Email Address
Missing Messages
Deleted Profiles
Delete / Deactivate Account
Edit Your Profile
Email Notifications
About Your Favorites
Forgot My Password
Add / Edit / Delete Photos
Spammers & Scammers
My Profile was not approved
- Your description is missing, contains profanities, or was written in a language other than: English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish
- You did not send a Photo with your registration
- You were previously registered and can not register more than one profile
- Your Photo has a low quality or belongs to someone else
- You were identified as a scammer

Blocking Users
How Do I Block Other Users From Sending Me Mail?
In order to block other users from mailing you, simply click on Block User.

How Do I Un-Block Other Users?
To unblock someone, simply scroll to the bottom of ANY message and click on Blocked User List to make your selection.

How Do I Know If I've Been Blocked?
You'll know that you're blocked if you get a block message when you try to contact someone who has specifically blocked you. The message will read "communication with this member is no longer possible".
Blocking Users

Cannot Login / Missing Profile
Why Can't I Login?
a. You've forgotten your password and you are entering it wrong.
b. You've been deleted from due to one or more of the following:
- Email addresses, website url, or phone numbers were included in your profile.
- Not enough information in your profile description.
- Indecent content, nude images, or harassment of other users.
- We immediately delete escorts, scammers, spammers, anyone trying to sell something on,
and anyone trying to direct members to other websites.

If your profile did not contain any of the above please accept our apologies as our system wrongly identified you, and you’ll have to create a new profile.

Change Password or Email Address
Login to and click on ‘My Account’ at mypage.
and you’ll be able to change your password or Email Address.
Click HERE to change your password or Email Address.

Missing Messages
- If you see a blank user name in your account that means the user has deleted themselves.
- If the user has completely vanished along with all messages that means they were deleted by the system.
- Cut and paste emails are blocked.
- You may only contact 20-30 new people per day
- The message may be over a month old, therefore our system may have removed it.

Deleted Profiles
If you go through the process of deleting your profile it is gone for good. We cannot restore your profile. If your account was deleted and you have been banished by the computer that means you broke some rules. The most common reasons for being deleted are:
- Like every other major site we block users from Africa, India etc.
- You must be 18+
- You uploaded nude/bad images, or cause problems on the Instant Messenger etc
- A lot of users reported that you were rude/mean.
- Soliciting people for any reason or sending spam.
- 1 profile per person, no fake profiles, no harassing etc
- You didn't complete the sign up process and our system removed your profile. removes users we believe are not fit to use our service.

Delete / Deactivate Account
How Do I Delete My Account?
You can delete your profile by entering your username and password and clicking on 'delete account'. Click HERE to delete your profile.

How Do I Deactivate My Account?
To hide your profile click HERE. You can hide or unhide your profile at the top of the page in the Edit My Profile section of the site. Click the Deactivate Account.

Edit Your Profile
How Do I Edit My Profile?
Login to, and then click on ‘My Profile’ at mypage. You can also click HERE! to edit your profile.

I Do Not Want Any More Email Notifications
You can stop message notifications (sent out when you get a message) in Mail Settings on Unfortunately you cannot stop the latest matches emails usually sent out on Mondays - if these are a problem we'll remove your account upon request.

About Your Favorites
You can find your favorites/friends list by clicking on My Favorites at mypag. In order to see whose list you're on, click on My Favorites, and then 'Find out who has added you to their list!'. To add someone to your favorites list click on the profile of the user, and then click on ADD TO FAVORITES on the top right hand side of the page. To remove someone from your favorites simply click on DELETE beside their profile photo.

Forgot My Password
If you forgot your password you can have it emailed to you. Simply enter your email address HERE. If you do not get your password your profile may no longer be on You can also login with your email address in place of your username if it's still not working.

Add / Edit / Delete Photos
How do I submit a photo?
Login to, and click on Photos at mypage. If the image is approved it will appear on your profile within 24 hours. If your images are fine, you may have attempted to upload when our server was too busy. Please try uploading your images again at different times of the day - if it still doesn't work please contact us.

Uploading Problems:
If you get an error that says you need to login again, click logout, login once more, and go to the images page. Try uploading your image again. If the image is uploaded and then deleted, it means it didn't meet our requirements. Even if your image had no nudity, it may have been indecent or inappropriate for the site. Images are uploaded instantly, if your image is too big it won't upload.

What are the guidelines for a profile picture?
Images must be in JPG format. Images must NOT contain any nudity or offensive material. Images must NOT contain cartoons or celebrities. If images are too large, they will not upload properly.

How do I delete an image?
To delete an image click on Delete beside your photo.

Spammers & Scammers
How Do I Know If Someone Is A Scammer? works hard to make sure scammers are deleted from the database. If anyone asks for money it is likely a scam. There are numerous incidents on all types of dating sites where someone asks for money, gets the money from another user, and then disappears. Don’t be fooled by such scams, and be sure to do an official legitimacy check on a person before you send any money.

What Should I Do If I Suspect Someone Is A Scammer / Spammer?
Please contact us immediately if you feel you've come across a scam artist or a spammer. You can click on the Help button to send us a message or click HERE.